I came across some really fun party ideas for games to play at a toddler birthday party! I feel like that is a hard age to plan a party for, since they're too young for some activities still. I'm going to share a few of my favorites with you:
Magical Cake Hunt:
you'll need index cards, a cake, and a pen or pencil to write with.
1. Write out clues on the index cards. Start out at the cake table and work backwards. Make simple clues that lead the kids from one area to another, ending at the cake. The final clue, of course should lead to the cake table.
2. When the kids arrive, read them the first clue and let them find the location that it hints at. Then read each clue to the kids once they find it.
Hot Pizza:
you'll need a clean pizza pan
1. Have the kids sit in a large circle and teach them this song (to the tune of the Oscar Meyer song on their commercials). It goes:
"I wish I were a pepperoni pizza,
that is what I'd truly like to be.
If I were a pepperoni pizza,
everyone would be in love with me"
2. Give the "pizza" to the birthday boy or girl. Tell the children to start singing the song, passing the "pizza" around the circle.
3. Whoever is holding the "pizza" when the song ends it out.
4. The last person out wins!
If you have any fun ideas for a toddler party, let me know!
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